Novice Handling
This course has short sequences and recommended space of 15m x 15m. Equipment needed is 4 jumps and a tunnel. If you wish to have a working spot, then choose the drop down $150 price. Lifetime Access!
Pinwheels and front x's
Lesson 1 - course maps
Lesson 1 - Handling
180 set up
Lesson 2 - course maps
Lesson 2 - Handling
Serps and 270's
Lesson 3 - course maps
Lesson 3 - Handling
Tunnel exits and driving lines
Lesson 4 - course maps
Lesson 4 - Handling
NH - Lesson 5
Lesson 5 - course maps
Lesson 5 - Handling
NH - Lesson 6
Lesson 6 - small sequences course map
Lesson 6 - large sequences course map
Lesson 6 - Handling
Teaching a k turn
Rear x's - The different types
Rear x's
Front x's